Obama topped a new Harris interactive poll that asked 2,634 Americans who they admire enough to call a hero. Participants named the heroes randomly instead of being shown or read a list of people to choose from. The poll was conducted online between January 12 and 19, 2009.
God ranked 11th, between Mother Teresa and Hillary Clinton. Of the multiple reasons participants gave to explain their choices of heroes, the ones most cited is, "Doing what's right regardless of personal consequences" with 89%, "Not giving up until the goal is accomplished" with 83% and "Doing more than what other people expect of them," with 82%. Also popular were "Overcoming adversity" and "Staying level-headed in a crisis."
In the first Harris Poll asking this question in 2001, Jesus came in first, followed by the Rev. King, Powell, John F. Kennedy and Mother Teresea. So, my big question is: have we really gone down this far during the last 7 years?
If you sit around too long thinking about it, you could get really depressed. Or... perhaps we could make our own poll. I know a whole bunch of people who'd write in prophets old & new as well as current Church authorities. My second question is: how are those with little or no moral compass seen as heroes?
Obama joked last year at a roast that contrary to rumors, he was not born in a manger but on the planet Krypton. Apparently, (according to the Godless and stupid among us) Obama is even more popular than God or Superman (who didn't even make the cut.
) Not that a ficticious character should make such a list at all, but if we are voting on "helping the general populace have a little more hope in humanity", we ought to SCRATCH Obama and write in Superman. No way Obama would look that good in tights and a cape.
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