Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Northern California is on FIRE!

A few months ago it was Southern Cal, now the fires have started up north here. Video from KCRA Local News: http://www.kcra.com/video/16683995/

With the particulate matter measurement at 155, a person could be seriously harming themselves running, biking or walking outside here in the Sacramento Valley. According the "Spare the Air" chart, Orange 100-150 PM/ Red 151-200 PM. Yep, the air quality has been deemed "unhealthy" by the officials. Who are they? Is that my friend Laura? Was that YOU!? :)
They say the air will continue to be bad for the next few days! WHAT!?? Someone doesn't understand that this is my week for VACATION!

I decided to suit up, put a handkerchief over my mouth and get on Ruby, my road bike. In about an hour and a half, I rode about 25 miles. I didn't die, I didn't even cough. Not once. Just had a lot of fun taking in all of nature. It is so sad that the hills are on fire, and I pray they can contain the fires, so no one is forced from their homes.

Here in Folsom, this is what I captured on my camera phone. You can't even tell it was so smokey. This is the "new" bridge which is right next to the old "Rainbow Bridge." The American River is just so beautiful. And to think this is all in my back yard. I love my home!

I figure that if I was going to die, skin cancer would get me first for all those summer days I laid out slathered in baby oil paying no mind to the damaging rays of the sun. And I mean YEARS of summer days!


L said...

Who, me? :) I didn't come up with the recommendation, but I endorse it. I'm sad the fires are back again. It was so nice having some clear skies and being able to spend time outside again.